Select Walkthrough, Answer, or Hints mode first. After selection, you could visit each individual image, word solution, or letter hint again to reveal its solution.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 |
Level 5 | Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 |
Level 9 | Level 10 | Level 11 | Level 12 |
Level 13 | Level 14 | Level 15 | Level 16 |
Level 17 | Level 18 | Level 19 | Level 20 |
Owl Level 1
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 2
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 3
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 4
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 5
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 6
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 7
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 8
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 9
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 10
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 11
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 12
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 13
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 14
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 15
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 16
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 17
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 18
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 19
Word List
Hints Only
Owl Level 20
Word List
Hints Only
Below is the complete solution and answers guide to the Owl Pack Chapter in Word Brain. Use this quick cheat index to help you solve all the puzzles. Click into the level to see the exact order on how to solve the word puzzles. This WordBrain cheat sheet has been updated in September 2017 version 1.21.9.
I am stuck on owl level 1 tried all different ways and it will not complete level 1 leaves a e not able to use
try using different E ,seach time,,,or if there are more than one of anything try a diffenr one each way
I am stuck as well. Any help would be appreciated.
I agree with everyone I have played owl #i about 50 times and still cannot solve it
No matter how I try I can’t get Owl, level 17. I know all the words but I can’t solve it. Please help!
I really don’t understand all the answers are right there
Owl 16 has lorry in the answer but there is no y
I know I’m stuck on this one also
It’s coach
Hi guys I’m stuck on level 7 owl I don’t have mailbox it is envelope but can’t get it at all any help would be appreciated
The way to solve owl #1 is in shower— try all the ER COMBINATIONS!!!
Have done this and still can’t I get it
Ok– went back and did owl 1 again. Butter is first. Iceberg is second. If you don’t do that it won’t finish! Large will end up last.
owl level 8 cant find right combination. any help?
If y’all click on the answers above, it shows you which letters to use for each word in the solution.
Hope that helps!
What happened to the hints only page
The hints only pages have been phased out because we realized that WordBrain has started randomizing all levels when you unlock a puzzle pack. That means that in about 1~2 weeks they will become irreverent to almost all players. Now all the levels have been converted to hints only first, with walkthrough following a screen away.
Owl level 1 is impossible I have played this knowing all the words and just can’t get it to end as the letters just don’t mesh
Butter first then iceberg with the top g, not the bottom g
THIS IS THE RIGHT ANSWER! Top G for iceberg! Thank you!
You genius buddy. Thanks Amit.
I worked 2 days on owl 1 and finally. Butter is first and then iceberg. Large is last word.
This has been hardest one for me. I believe brick is after iceberg, then shower, then lighter and large. Good lick.
Why is my owl Level 11 Not the same as what I an seeing . I have all the Words but can’t get the order. My Words are maze, loop, house, flag, blow, left, soup and picture
Stuck on squirrel OREUM….any help would be appreciated
Never mind. Figured it out
Squirrel level 340. RCMYM. need first word please
Finally got it..
First line otikfr wants a 12 letter ord to start off with, any clues please?
I’ve found oven and stovetop but stuck on the rest. Hope that helps
Kitchen grill
Thank you,weii done.
Next one lilcsm is hard too,can’t get started – any clues please?
I have found exercise and lift but that is all so far
Exercise muscle diet lift weight training
Lanohy. First word, volleyball, thinks “sport” for theme. Hope this helps.
TIMMSA…any ideas?
Winter, summer, spring, autumn, season, change
Owl 344 five, hearing, sight, sense, taste, smell
Sorry, taste before sense then smell last
Touch is before smell
This is the only order I could get it….five hearing sight smell touch taste sense.
Owl 345 volleyball, archery, gymnastics, triathlon
Thank you to all the anonymous people who post, I appreciate your help! Trying to pay back as I can ????
Thankyou very much. You are too kind. I would never have gotten 345
Glad to help ????
It’s getting a little more tricky now, definitely challenging
346/7 Please anyone struggling, I’d b very grateful for any help given.
Iam also stuck on 346 have no clue at all
Lsdgfl – any ideas, anyone? Just can’t get started.
Owl 346 I’ve found the first word: forever.
Limited is the fourth word
Forever definite always limited lifelong…
Thanks for the first word.. Really helped
Many thanks to all you anonymous helpers. Been struggling on this for days.
Yes! Thanks so much ????
346 FOREVER, ?, ?, LIMITED, ?…can anyone help fill in the blanks?
I just left the solution in the comment before yours…..forever definite always limited lifelong
Thanks! Your comment wasn’t on show when I typed my q…then it appeared along with mine…perfect timing for me!
UCPA …. Can’t get anything, apart from
smart, finch, war pat — nothing of any use
HELP !!!
What level is this from definitely not owl
Working on that one as well. Will post if successful
Definitely owl. I’m seeing exactly the same words as you. I agree, they are completely useless
Artichoke, cauliflower, asparagus, pumpkin.
Thank you so much. Been on this for days.
I’m trying to solve 348 & really struggling ,
Has anyone solved it or got anything at all.
Pasta macaroni noodles spaghetti ravioli
Many thanks to whoever posted answers for 347, been trying for days.
Many thanks to whoever posted answers for 348,
any clues for 349 would b great too.
Owl 349. First word sideways
Sideways up left right…all I have so far
And now added orientation and rotate
Owl 350 iratsd. I’ve found snap and nothing else. Any hints? Thanks
Closure zipper. Snap hook…hope this helps
Garment and clothing
Thanks a lot
Sorry. 359 top row is not iratsd but THZCUO
OWL 348 pasta, macaroni, noodles, spaghetti, ravioli
Thank you to everyone! Paying it back ????
OWL 349 orientation, sideways, left, up, right, rotate
anyone mastered 327?
Squirrel 327. Puppet doll figurine pretend
It’s okay ????
Stuck on owl 352 dablls..for windows…first word is spots and last word is black…any help would be great! Thanks
352: Spots, leopard,ladybug, Dalmatian, cow, black
Spots leopard ladybug Dalmatian cow nlack
That should be black
353…tile coaster brick television domino cube
354…BCSRAM. So far all I can find is “web”
Me too but sap is the third word
Got it. Caramel taffy sap butterscotch sticky web
354…caramel, taffy, sap, butterscotch, sticky, web
stumped on owl 312 , i have black ,,,,,
352 spots leopard ladybug Dalmatian cow blacko
Sorry should be black
355. pollen. Dust. Allergy. Sneeze itch swell mold
355…pollen dust allergy sneeze itch swell mold
356…pentagon triangle cylinder pyramid shape
Any help for 357?
357 need help
Also need help on 357
Also stuck on 357
357 beautiful, ravishing, attractive, gorgeous
Thank you so much DSB
Have several words on 358….need first word only please help
First word is dinosaur and think Jurassic is another. Cannot find any others. Help needed.
Dinosaur extinction Jurassic museum bone…
Level 358 membrno
Dinosaur, extinction, Jurassic, museum, bone
Stuck on level 359 GARDVL…please help
wordbrain 358 is hard to fit .the cheese are … cheddar,gouda,swiss,mozzarella and provolone
i mean wordbrain 359
In my grid an o is missing. They should be 5 and I only have 4. Misspelling?
Same problem
Not the right spelling but only thing that works with our letters…needed the o not an a
Thanks. Replacing the o with an a did the trick!
wordbrain 359 still cant make words fit
Having probe too
Been on 359 now for almost a week, driving Mr mad.
Have got the words & all ways but can’t get right order to solve it, to move on.
I cannot get the order either. So frustrating. Anyone able to help us please
Finally got the order. Cheddar, Swiss, provalone, gouda, mozzarella. Cheddar R goes down not up
Been working on Owl level 15 (BGRTEK) for ever. Got the words, “butter, large, iceberg, lighter, shower, brick.” Can’t get proper sequence. HELP!!
Top row IRATSD
Why don’t l get the hints I am on owl level but never get any hint watch a video say l get 10 hint but I don’t
Still waiting for hints Ann Willoughby
I changed phones, and now I cannot continue from where I left off.
Can anyone help with the Puzzle Code for Owl level?
Can anyone help with owl 16
I must have a different game. Owl 341 is OTIKFR. Can anybody help, please.
How come my wordbrain owl games are different.owl 1 was…refrigerator, oven, stovetop grill & kitchen. Owl 2 is LILCSM. It’s blowing my mind.
I have been working to get the proper sequence to all 6 words: butter, iceberg, shower, lighter, large, brick of Owl #1, Level BGRTEX
I tried over 50 times in different ways, and cannot go to #2. Can someone tell me if they succeeded. Thanks for your help.
Can’t form a last word since the letters of the last words could not be joined together.I guess there is a mistake somewhere.
Has anyone tried word brain cheats? I resort to that if am stuck for more than 2 days.
Level 16 doesn’t match the cheat page. Lorry doesn’t exist.
Owl 16 not solveable? Any help?
Everyone 16 is not Lorry it’s coach
I am also stuck on OWL level 1
I paid for assistance and the game will not allow me to move past this level.
I’m on level 2 in owl and apparently there’s a word that spells panties it’s definitely not in the grid as there’s no letter a in it there’s 2 w but only 1 is needed for flower. And my grid is also set out diffrently to the one in the video. Thanks all help needed as I’m stuck and can’t move on
I’m stuck on owl level 15 can anyone help
Stuck on level 15 the words are Finn Gap Lucien tooth handball plane but only one h can’t find handball can somebody help me
Owl 8 has first row. REGCEE not the same as shown above. I have answers but can’t solve.
0The grid on owl level 17 is totally different than shown.
Owl level 6
All words correct but grid won’t change
What do ido the word divide won’t change
Owl level 6
All words correct but grid won’t change
What do ido the word divide won’t change
Owl level 6 grid is not correct. My grid shows eesgrs first row,
Second row emdebn,
Third row esiesk
Fourth row nlicce
Fifth row iksoit
Sixth row diviti
You do Not have this grid!!!
It is owl 2280