Select Walkthrough, Answer, or Hints mode first. After selection, you could visit each individual image, word solution, or letter hint again to reveal its solution.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 |
Level 5 | Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 |
Level 9 | Level 10 | Level 11 | Level 12 |
Level 13 | Level 14 | Level 15 | Level 16 |
Level 17 | Level 18 | Level 19 | Level 20 |
Goldfish Level 1
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 2
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 3
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 4
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 5
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 6
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 7
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 8
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 9
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 10
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 11
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 12
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 13
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 14
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 15
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 16
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 17
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 18
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 19
Word List
Hints Only
Goldfish Level 20
Word List
Hints Only
Below is the complete cheat solution and answers guide to the 6×6 Goldfish Pack Chapter in Word Brain (Previously Student). Use this quick cheat walkthrough to help you solve all the puzzles. Click into the level to see the exact order on how to solve the word puzzles. This WordBrain cheat sheet has been updated in December 2017 version 1.23.
what is the theme of student382
Theme is animals
Theme for 381?
Theme is wedding related for 381
Help I am stuck on student 381, can anyone help please
Don’t show ring as an answer…bridesmaid, ceremony, groomsman and reception
Have sunshine on 383 but am stuck
i forgot reception on 381
wordbrain 383 need three letter word
Stuck on 384…any ideas on theme or first word?
Me too, been waiting for the gang to catch up! So glad I found this site, everyone helping each other along
Theme or first word for 384?
I am on student level 384 and the game has once again as it does several times sent me back to pig 299. Anyone else having this problem. Frustrating and about ready to uninstall
Don’t have that problem…sorry
Also need help on 384. Having been trying to work this out on and off all day. Would be grateful for any help.
JP I can’t get anywhere on 384 either
384 is airport theme
385 is a barbecue theme
384: Hint airport…its easy once you get started…first word is AIRPORT
386 is INJURY themed
387 crossword…
387 is PUZZLE themed
388 is Maths themed
389 is LOUNGE themed
390 is PIZZA themed
Love getting theme only hints…
Prefer to solve and wish others would not post the complete word solve.
391 this is my pay back….theme is movie
Some would like to see others posting answers NOT just themes,
especially when you’ve been stuck or struggling for days,
I for one am very grateful for answers posted, as I imagine others are.
Started student & been struggling for a few weeks now.
Like someone said in monkey use a piece of paper if you only want one word.
It’s a comments page where people help each other out.
Anyone who can help with some answers to get me started would be gratefully received, in all levels.
If I get stuck, I agree with you. Just like to try to solve them on my own if possible. I, too, appreciate everyone who is willing to share in this group.
Post the level you are having trouble with..will be glad to help if I can
392….think comfort food and soup
Thanks, just starting out so 382,3,4 if poss, any at all.
It’s just nice to know that if you are having probs with any level answers, you can look on comments page & find help.
Likewise you can post your answers to help others.
You help them they help you. That’s how I thought these comment pages worked.
382. Kangaroo rabbit toad grasshopper gazelle
383. Sunshine moonlight ray solar lunar bright
384. Airport takeoff depart security terminal
385. Barbecue burger wings shrimp skewer smoke
386. Bandage injury wound stitch accident pain
Hope thus helps you get started.
I am on level 393..if you need more, just let me know
Thanks so much, had got solved some & first two of – 385.
next two would be great, thank you again
393: I have found SPONGE and TOOTHBRUSH, can anyone help with the other words please?
Thanks! Still struggling to figure out the theme here and get that elusive first word!
Its ok, have finally solved it! Bit of a loose theme!
Can you give me the first word
Have sponge toothbrush and fluid..stuck
REPLACE ….Odd word for the theme!
394 theme is mornings
395 theme is snow
Shower, stretch alarm
Thanks for 393 but I finally got it
. Strange theme
396. Wilderness survive kit. Need hint for third word
Never mind found it equipment. Last word shelter
Theme for 397
Wish I could help..just started looking at this one now…will update with any progress!
397 I’ve found diploma
I am really struggling with level 391. Obviously have movie and role but cannot find anything else. Can someone please help.
Character actor movie role pretend cinema
Thank you so much
Stuck on level 391,for days,have only one word,,movie
Thanks for that
Thanks to you all who are posting answer or most of them,
there a great help.
Can anyone with 387,8 maybe 9 Please
Can’t seem to solve any at the moment.
387. crossword puzzle hint riddle Sudoku solve
388. Add subtract multiply divide algebra math
389. Couch chair beanbag hammock lounge daybed
Thank you v much
Need theme only for level 397
I think that wilderness was for 396
Need help 380/1 !!!
380, firefighter, emergency,medic, brave, rescue
381, bridesmaid, groomsmen, reception, ceremony
Monkey 380.
Rescue firefighter emergency medic brave
Stuck 390 any help be great thanks
Pepperoni mushroom pizza sausage topping
397 theme only please
I’m stuck on 397 as well
Can someone help me please with level 392. I have got soup and broth but cannot seem to find anything else.
Chowder stew…392
Chili bisque
Thank you for that, don’t think I would have ever got those
Hello me level 392
397 theme: end of college
First word please
Thanks for this…was just about to give up on it all haha!
392, solved it but taken a while
V strange theme or at least I thought so.
Stuck & confused with 393, I’ve got
fluid, sponge, toothbrush, 2nd, 3rd, 4th word need 1st & last
but alarm, shower & breakfast aren’t on mine
OR have I been playing too long & am getting confused
(its possible ).
Just need last word of 393, anyone Please, am struggling
to get last 5th one.
very strange theme !!
Replace sponge toothbrush fluid contacts
Thank you, like I said strange theme
Can anyone help.please with owt for 397,
Please can any for you Help me out with 398 & 399,
397: Diploma, graduation, internship and workforce
398: Research, clinic, test, medicine and laboritory (it works with that spelling)
Theme for level 398 if anyone can help.. Thank You
Theme is billiards for 398
Billiards is for 399
Any help for 400?
400 hint: Shades of blue
Just started on 400
Turquoise is first word if that helps….finally solved it
Can anyone help me out with 395been stuck now sometime, PLEASE !!!
word brain 399 billiards,pool,bridge ….NEED HELP
395, anyone please !!!
could use some HELP PLEASE!!!
Need Help with 395 Please, got shovel, can’t find anything else. Theme posted as snow but won’t let me use, snow.
Please Hepl !!!
Anyone any help on 400,please, stuck !!!
Turquoise, navy, royal, teal and aqua.
Student 400 A bit late! Did you get periwinkle?
Level 395. My turn to help. Shovel, snowshoes, blizzard, sled, fireplace.
Many thanks to all you anonymous helpers. Wouldn’t be at this level now if it weren’t for your help every now and again.
397 – diploma, graduation, workforce and internship
My student level 12 does not match anything in the Student level! The top row is RUFHCK and if I cannot get this puzzle I won’t be able to continue with your game! I have all the words: scarf, small, shower, think, shoulder, stomach but no matter what order I put them in I cannot solve! NEED HELP!
SMALL first. You must use the S in the 5th column, then the other letters are forced. 2nd is STOMACH, you must start with the S in the 4th column, the only other letter that you have an option for is C, and you must use the C in the 5th column. Next up SHOWER. Start with the S in the 3rd column, the only other letter choice you have is R, use the R in the 1st col. Next up SCARF, and the rest should be easy ????- I copied this from someone else off another website. Of course I found it right after I solved it after spending two days on it! Ugh! It was on my phone the whole time! Hope this helps you too!
SMALL first. You must use the S in the 5th column, then the other letters are forced. 2nd is STOMACH, you must start with the S in the 4th column, the only other letter that you have an option for is C, and you must use the C in the 5th column. Next up SHOWER. Start with the S in the 3rd column, the only other letter choice you have is R, use the R in the 1st col. Next up SCARF, and the rest should be easy ????- I got this from someone else after I finally solved it on my own. It was beyond difficult! Hope this helps!
My level 15goldfish doesn’t look like this one and I see no way to solve. I will take a photo once I’m emailed back